Regex Rules

There’s not a lot to know about the rules behind Regex.


n*0 or more n
n+1 or more n
n?0 or 1 n
n{2}Exactly 2 n
n{2,}2 or more n
n{,2}2 or less n
n{2,4}2, 3 or 4 n


.Any character except new line
(A|B)A or B
[ABC]Range (A, B or C)
[^ABC]Not A, B or C
[A-Z]Between A and Z
[0-9]Between 0 and 9
[A-Z0-9]Between left-sidebarboth A-Z and 0-9
\nnth group/sub pattern

Anchors and Character Classes

^Start of line
$End of line
\wAny word character (includes underscore)
\WNon-word character
\SNot whitespace
\bMatch seperators
\BDo not match seperators
\0Nul character
\nNew line

Regex Algebra

Some stuff can be represented in many ways, here are a few.

  1. (a + b) + y = a + (b + y)
  2. a + b = b + a
  3. a + o = o + a = a
  4. a + a = a
  5. (a . b) . y = a . (b . y)
  6. a . ε = ε . a = a
  7. a . (b + y) = (a . b) + (a . y)
  8. a+ = a . a* = a* . a
  9. a* = ε + a+
  10. (a + ε)+ = (a + ε)* = a*
  11. if X = b + a . X then X = a* . b
  12. if X = b + X . a then X = b . a*

RE Module

In class we used the re module from Python. You can find the docs here but I will put a small explination below.

About Python’s regex module, we had to use the following functions.

  • match()
  • search()
  • findall()
  • sub()
  • split()


If zero or more character at the beginning of the string match the pattern it will return the Match. It returns None if the string doesn’t match.

Scans through the string and returns the first time the pattern matches. It returns None if it never matches the pattern.


Returns all the non-overlapping matches of a pattern in a string. They are returned as a list of strings in order in which they are found (left-to-right). If more than one group is used the return type will be a list of tuples, each tuples represents one of the groups of the pattern and it’s matches.


Substitues the matches in the string for the characters given to it. It returns the replaced string and if it doesn’t find any match it returns the original string unchanged.


Like the name indicates, it splits a string using the regex pattern given to it. It returns a list of strings, those being the new strings generated by the split.

Next Chapter: Grammars