Grammars (Gramáticas)

A grammar can be defined by the following

  • T - It’s alphabet a set of terminal symbols
  • N - A set of non-terminal symbols
  • S - The starting symbol
  • P - A set of productions

A productions is a tuple (a,b) and we write them as a b. Give an a b production, a is the right side, while b is the left side of the production.

Lets look at a simple grammar to represent real numbers:

S -> Sinal Mantissa Expoente
Sinal -> + | - | ε
Mantissa -> Dígitos Meio Dígitos
Dígitos -> ε | Dígito Dígitos
Meio -> Dígito . | . Dígito
Dígito -> 0 | ... | 9
Expoent -> ε | 'E' Sinal Dígitos DígGrammars (Part I)itos

One of the key ideas when writing a grammar is to identify the blocks that constitute the string and associate them a non-terminal symbol.

Derivation Trees

From a grammar we can obtain a derivation tree. Take for example this grammar

S -> a A b
A -> ε | a A | b A

From it we want to get abab. Knowing this, we get the following derivation tree.

Derivation Tree

Regular Grammars (GR)

A context independent grammar can be defined as regular to the right or to the left. This is defined by the way the productions are defined.

To the Right

The productions are defined this way.

A -> y
A -> y B

Where y is a T. Being said this, all productions have on their right side, at max, one non-terminal symbol.

To the Left

The productions are defined this way.

A -> y
A -> B y

Where y is a T. Being said this, all productions have on their left side, at max, one non-terminal symbol. This one being the first symbol on the right side.

Regex to Grammars

For each non-terminal symbol A where the productions are defined this way.

A -> a1 | a2 | ... | an

We can right the following equation

A = o1 + o2 + ... + on

Where oi corresponds to the ai.

Taking into account this simple grammar:

S → Sinal RealSemSinal
Sinal → ε| + |−
RealSemSinal → Inteiro ParteDecimal
Inteiro → digito | digito Inteiro
ParteDecimal → ε| ’.’ Inteiro

We can define the following equations:

S = Sinal RealSemSinal
Sinal = ε + ’+’ + ’-’
RealSemSinal = Inteiro ParteDecimal
Inteiro = digito + digito Inteiro
ParteDecimal = ε + ’.’ Inteiro

The solution being S = (ε + '+' + '-')(digito)+ (ε + '.' (digito)+)

Simple Regular Grammars (GSR)

To the Right

All of the productions follow this logic:

A -> a B

With the exception of

Z -> ε

To the Left

All of the productions follow this logic:

A -> B a

With the exception of

Z -> ε

For both cases Z is the final symbol.


Next Chapter: Grammars (Parte II)