Recognition Top-Down

For top-down recursive recognition we must write a procedure for each symbol (non-terminal and terminal).

For the terminal symbols the recognition basis itself on knowing the next symbol if the next symbol of the string is equal to the terminal symbol that we are looking to recognize.

For each none-terminal symbol A with the following productions: A -> x1 x2 ... xn | ... | y1 y2 ... ym |
We must decide which production we go with. To be able to choose the production we must firstly calculate the set of terminal symbols that correspond to possible derivations for each production. We call theses sets production lookaheads.

To calculate these lookaheads that are many ways, but it’s more important to know that depending on:

  • grammar
  • the type of each symbol
  • the expresiong f and g to calculate de values of non-terminal symbols The lookahead will differ.

To generate this recognition there are already many tools, such as YACC, LALR, ELL …

Lookahead, First and Follow

To calculate the lookahead we need to also know the first and follow.


First is the way to determine the set of terminal symbols which are the valid beginning of the languague associated to a non-terminal symbol, or a sequence of terminal symbols.


Follow is a set of terminal symbols that can folow whatever A derives into. The result of Follow(A) depende in which context A is inserted.


To determine the lookahead we have the set of terminal symbols that can follow a situation in which we can use a production A -> rhs.

Tables for Top-Down

ObjectiveStringActionDerivation Tree
Exp .( + 3 4) .Prod 2Exp
( Fun ) .( + 3 4) .Advance( Fun )
Fun ) .+ 3 4 ) .Prod 3
+ Lis ) .+ 3 4 ) .Advance+ Lis
Lis ) .3 4 ) .Prod 5
Exp Lis ) .3 4 ) .Prod 1Exp Lis
int Lis ) .3 4 ) .Advanceint
List ) .4 ) .Prod 5
Exp Lis ) .4 ) .Prod 1Exp Lis
int Lis ) .4 ) .Advanceint
Lis ) .) .Prod 6
) .).Advanceempty

LL Conflicts

With lookahead, sometimes there are two productions associated to the same A on the left side, they have common elements, this leads to a dilema in which way to follow when trying to recognize A (non-terminal symbol). To this situation we call it LL1 conflict and it basically means that it is impossible to build the top-down recognition.

LL1 Conflicts

Some things that can lead to theses conflict are:

  • Ambiguous Grammars
  • Recursive left Grammars
  • Production starting with the same symbol

Next Chapter: Recognition Bottom-Up